Latest FinTech News
1 Nov 2022
Operational Resilience & Third Party Providers - Are you Resilient Enough?
Michael Walford-Williams, Managing Director at Westbourne, a risk management consultancy for the financial services and finTech industry, examines the relationship between Financial Services and the Cloud, actions the regulators are taking, what this means for FinTech firms, and what FinTech's that are reliant on third party providers (especially Cloud Service Providers) can do to improve and fulfil the regulators obligations.
1 Aug 2022
Operational Resilience - From Compliance to Resilience
Michael Walford-Williams, Managing Director at Westbourne, a risk management consultancy for the financial services and finTech industry, examines what is next for Operational Resilience; what the regulators expectations are, and why compliance with the rules alone may not be enough...
20 Jan 2021
K-factors and capital calculations: What you need to know
The new prudential regime has thrown a spanner into the works of all investment firms regulated by the FCA. Ammad Aqeel, compliance associate at FinTech Compliance, explains the new categorisation, the permanent minimum requirement and K-factors.